Current Projects
- Development of markers amenable to marker-assisted selection of Fusarium Crown Rot (FCR) resistance QTL
CenGen; CG/W/2025/01 - Assessing Germination Energy during an 18-month commercial malting barley storage trial at two temperatures
CenGen, ABInbev, Agbiz Grain, SABBI; CG/B/2025/01 - The generation of High Throughput (HTP) SNP Array and whole genome sequence data to assess diversity in SA malting barleys
CenGen, SABBI, JIC (UK); CG/B/2025/02 - Develop a method to detect Copy Number Variation at the complex MKK3 dormancy locus in barley
CenGen, ABInbev, JHI (UK), SABBI, SAMRC; CG/B/2025/03 - Characterise the source of adult plant stem rust resistance in wheat line SRNS 6223.
CenGen, UFS, Corteva AgriscienceTM; CG/W/2023/02 - QTL mapping of rust resistance loci in Paramount and SABBI malt barley breeding line 02-045-03
CenGen, SABBI, University of Minnesota, UFS; CG/B/2023/02 - Developing molecular tools for Ramularia collo-cygni identification and disease monitoring in South Africa.
CenGen, SABBI; CG/B/2022/03 - Expanding the repertoire of disease resistance genes and associated DNA markers available to the South African malt barley industry to include adult plant resistance to barley leaf rust.
CenGen, SABBI, UFS; CG/B/2022/01 - Unlocking the potential value of the Kariega wheat genome sequence
CenGen; CG/W/2023/01: 2023
Completed Projects
- Short-term study to develop a project proposal addressing genetic and storage aspects of germination-related traits of malt barley varieties grown in SA
CenGen, ABInbev, SABBI; CG/B/2024/01 - Fungicide Resistance on Barley
SU, ABInbev, CenGen; AGRIPICY506: 2021-2024 - Establishment of a molecular marker service laboratory for routine application of marker-assisted selection in South African wheat breeding programs
CenGen; WCT/W/2009/02: 2009-2023 - Unlocking the potential value of the Kariega wheat genome sequence
CenGen; CG/W/2023/01: 2023 - Bioinformatic analysis to identify target genes for the development of a high throughput targeted genotype by sequencing marker panel.
CenGen; CG/B/2023/01: 2023 - Development of stem rust resistant malting barley varieties.
CenGen, SABBI, University of Minnesota, University of Southern Queensland, UFS; WCT/B/2018/02: 2018-2023 - Genetic analysis of crown rot resistance in SST087.
CenGen, University of Southern Queensland, Agricultural Research Council Plant Protection Research Institute; WCT/W/2017/04: 2017-2023 - Pilot study: Utilizing Next Generation Sequencing to establish a metagenomics baseline for water sensitive barley.
CenGen, SABBI, ABInBev; CG/B/2022/02: 2022 - Using the latest Genomic Advancements to Understand Durable Disease Resistance in Wheat and Barley (short name: GenomicsForResistance). CenGen was invited by Prof Simon Krattinger to participate in an internal King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Competitive Research Grant Program-Round 7 call, which was successful.
KAUST, CenGen, UFS, University of Wageningen, Institute of Experimental Botany – Centre of the Region Haná for Biotechnological and Agricultural Research (Czech Republic); OSR-2018-CRG7-3768: 2019-2022 - Rapid cloning of a durable stripe rust resistance gene in South African wheat (TRAC#26700) Pioneer- Open Innovation grant – Corteva Agriscience™️: Innovation for Disease Resistance
CenGen, KAUST; TRAC#27600: 2018-2019 - Development of the genetic material to clone QYr.sgi-2B.1.
CenGen, KAUST, University of Free State; WCT/W/2019/04: 2020-2022 - Development of 7 doubled haploid mapping populations of novel sources of APR rust resistance.
CenGen, University of Free State, Sensako; WCT/W/2019/05: 2020-2021 - Comprehensive disease management strategy for malting quality barley in South Africa.
CenGen, SABBI, University of Southern Queensland, UFS; WCT/B/2013/01: 2013-2018 - Molecular markers for disease resistance breeding in grapes.
Agricultural Research Council Infruitec-Nietvoorbij, CenGen, SU; THRIP grant 96391: 2015 -2018 - Towards cloning the 4AL slow rusting stripe rust QTL (QYr.sgi-4A.1) of Kariega.
CenGen, KAUST, UFS; WCT/W/2015/03; NRF IPRR grant 85943: 2015-2018 - Phenotype and genotype selected wheat germplasm sources of rust resistance
CenGen, UFS; WCT/W/2018/05: 2018 - Improved characterisation of wheat rust resistance APR QTL/genes.
CenGen, UFS; WCT/W/2015/02: 2015-2017 - Implementing effective marker technologies into disease resistance wheat breeding programmes within Africa.
NIAB (UK), UFS/CenGen, KARI, CIMMYT; BB/J011525/1: 2013-2017 - Development and application of marker-assisted selection systems for adult-plant resistance to rust diseases of wheat.
CenGen, UFS: 2004-2014 - Breeding disease resistant grapes by applying Marker Assisted Selection.
ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij, CenGen, SU: 2011-2013 - Development of plant material and technologies for breeding for maize resistance to Fusarium ear rot and mycotoxin contamination.
SU, CenGen, ARC-GCI: 2011-2014 - Assessment of genetic biodiversity of durable disease resistance in African wheat genotypes, leading to the development of novel marker system for wheat breeding.
John Innes Centre (UK), UFS, CenGen; BB/F004125/1: 2008-2012 - Needs and requirements of South African wheat breeding programs for a routine molecular marker service.
CenGen, UFS: 2010 - Marker assisted breeding of grapes.
ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij, CenGen, SU: 2008-2010 - An integrated approach to implement breeding net form of net blotch and spot blotch resistant barley cultivars in South Africa.
CenGen, SABBI, University of Southern Queensland: 2008-2009 - Disease Resistant Table Grape cultivars.
ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij, CenGen, SU: 2004-2006